News| February 4th 2022

The Benefits of Becoming a Teacher

Are you thinking about becoming a teacher? Wondering how it will benefit you? In this blog, we will explore the reasons why being a teacher could be the right career path for you.

Job satisfaction

By becoming a teacher you will help to inspire current and future generations. Pupils look up to their teachers as role models, and the influence you have over them is crucial in how they will learn and grow as individuals. 

You will probably remember certain teachers from your own school days who stood out to you. The teachers you looked forward to lessons with and who taught you well. Similarly, children will look up to you in this way which can be a very rewarding experience. 

Even better is that you get to do a job that you are passionate about every single day, teaching really is a vocation, not just another job!

No day is ever the same

Every day is different when teaching! You will be required to teach a wide variety of different pupils from a range of backgrounds and a whole host of personalities. This means no lesson will be the same. 

The school day requires a variety of tasks to be completed. This helps break the day up so you are never bored! Marking work - which may be considered a mundane task - can be made enjoyable through the variety of students and answers you are submitted. 

The working day & holidays

Did you know that most teachers get more holidays than the average job? Long summer holidays and regular half term breaks allow teachers to have more quality time with family and friends. 

Being a teacher means you are on the same schedule as your son or daughter. Even though you’ll have lesson planning and book marking to do outside of work hours, you’ll be in the comfort of your own home.

Career progression

With teaching, there is always room for personal development. Being a teacher provides you with a lot of consistent training meaning you are always learning and expanding your knowledge. 

With this learning experience there are always opportunities to advance in your career. Whether it be moving up from teacher to head of department or chasing a job for headteacher, there is always progression available. 

Do you want to become a teacher?

There are many other benefits to being a teacher. If you are interested in becoming one, we have a lot of information available on our website which you can explore. 

We are also hosting a School Direct open evening in February that you can sign up for. This open evening will showcase more information about what it means to become a teacher. It is also a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have. Sign up below.


School Direct Open Evening

Join our online opening evening event on February 15th 2022 at 6-7pm.

Sign up now

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