News| March 1st 2022

The Journey From Student to Teacher

Find out how student Josh came from being a student to becoming a trainee teacher...

Our Hub

Three Rivers Teaching School hub is led by The King Edward VI School in Morpeth and is one of the 87 centres of excellence for teacher training and development in the country. The hub offers a great way for passionate and enthusiastic people to train to become teachers in a school environment. You can read more about Train to Teach here.

From Student to Teacher

After attending The King Edward VI School as a student, Josh began his journey by studying Pure Mathematics at the University of Stirling in Scotland. Upon finishing university, he decided he wanted to go into teaching. To prepare for this experience, Josh trialled primary teaching before working at Cramlington Learning Village as a support assistant. It was during this time that he realised his passion for secondary teaching and made the decision to apply for teacher training.

Josh successfully applied to start his teacher training programme with the Three Rivers Teaching School Hub, based at The King Edward VI School.  “I chose to work at my own school because I always enjoyed coming here. The environment feels like one big family and the outstanding OFSTED results give a clear image of the school. I feel well supported by the Senior Leadership team, and everyone is always looking out for each other.”

Josh has recently applied for and been successfully appointed as a full time Mathematics teacher at The King Edward VI School from September 2022. When asked why he has chosen to stay with us to start his career he said that “it's not just about the pupils, but the staff also”.

The Three Rivers Teaching School Hub has been a part of this journey from day one. They facilitate the delivery of professional development, focusing on the key skills and pedagogy needed to become an outstanding practitioner of teaching and learning. Each trainee has a dedicated subject and professional mentor, there to support the development of the trainee teachers through regular meetings, advice and guidance.

“Within our partnership of schools, we provide high quality, school based training. The school context provides invaluable opportunities for our trainee teachers, allowing them to learn quickly and thrive throughout their PGCE year” Said Director of Three Rivers Teaching School hub - Rebecca Taylor. “We are proud of the progress Josh and his cohort have made throughout this year and can’t wait to support future trainees flourish.”

Support and Training

In our schools trainees feel valued and supported. They have access to a high quality training programme and engage in a wide variety of experiences. Each trainee is assigned a mentor, an expert teacher carefully selected for their ability to develop the practice of new entrants to the profession, allowing them to fulfil their potential. We emphasise practice not theory. Our ‘Monday Magpie’ sessions are an opportunity for trainees to discuss specific topics they may need help with and chat with other teachers about strategies and tips, held in addition to our weekly training sessions and mindfulness lunches. 

100% of our trainees would recommend our School Direct training programme.

Want to Become a Teacher?

The hub’s programme is part of a comprehensive DfE strategy dedicated to supporting teachers throughout their teaching career and forms part of the implementation of the recruitment and retention strategy to raise teacher quality and effectiveness.

For more information about the Three Rivers Teaching School Hub and how it could benefit you, please contact the hub by email or call 01670 501 537.

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